Tuesday, February 5, 2008

International Week - Day Two - Venezuela

Bienvenidos (Welcome) to our second day of International Week in our classroom. Today was Venezuela, a tropical country located in northern South America. Isabela's mother is from Venezuela and she shared lots of interesting facts about her country. She said it has beautiful beaches and high mountains. It has large rivers and tropical rain forests. Most of all, it has the highest waterfall on the planet, "Angel Falls." Mrs. B. brought in plantain chips and chocolates called, "Torontos" to share with the class. She also gave each child a Venezuelian coin to keep as a gift.

Then it was time for our art activity. The children were thrilled when they saw what were going to make -- a pinata. They were given balloons and given directions on how to apply newpaper strips and paste to cover the balloons. Now the covered balloons are drying so that we can affix colorful tissue paper to the outside of them on Friday and fill them with candy. This was about the messiest classroom project ever - but it was a lot of fun. ¡Nos vemos! (Be seeing you.)

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