Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Five Senses - Sense of Taste

 In Science, students were on the sense of taste today. They were given the opportunity to taste lemons, pretzels, Skittles and chocolate. The children were very excited to try the chocolate until they tasted it and found out it was unsweetened Baker's chocolate!  There were not very happy about that!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Math Bingo Makes Numbers Fun

For kindergarten students, playing games are always fun.  A great way to reinforce number recognition is through an exciting game of Bingo.  Today, our students played a few rounds of Bingo and were engaged in focusing on numbers 0 through 20.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Humpty Dumpty for Phonemic Awareness

Reviewing nursery rhymes is a great way to enhance phonemic awareness. In class, we point to the chart, sing and dance and create a page in our nursery rhyme book for each rhyme we study. At the end of the unit, students will have their own nursery rhyme book to read in their book bin. Humpty Dumpty is always a class favorite.

Kindergarten Pow Wow 2019

Our tribe this year was the Inuit. Our students learned about the Inuit culture which included their food, housing and shelter. They sang ...