Monday, December 8, 2008

The Plump and Perky Turkey - Shadow Puppet Play

"The Plump and Perky Turkey" by Teresa Bateman was our "Book of the Month" in November. Our principal, Susan Phillips, asked us to think of a clever way to respond to the book so that it could be put on her "Book of the Month" Wiki. We thought and thought and then remembered Miss KK's (our Media Specialist) shadow puppet idea that she puts on for our First Grade Sleepover in January. Using that as an inspiration, we developed our own, "Plump and Perky Turkey" shadow puppet play. It took a about a week of practice to get it to the point you see now. We hope you enjoy the video and be on the look out for our next shadow puppet play, "The Night Before Christmas."


Anonymous said...

To all of my Mall-ard friends,
The "Plump and Perky Turkey" reminded me how important proper fire safety in the kitchen. Please do not touch pots and pans, as they might be hot and could cause you to get a burn. I hope everyone has a good holiday season. I am currently in New Mexico for a weeklong safety course, and I will be sending Mrs Mallon some photos. Stay safe,
Fireman Chris

Anonymous said...

Fabulous and creative!
Mrs. Griffin

Kindergarten Pow Wow 2019

Our tribe this year was the Inuit. Our students learned about the Inuit culture which included their food, housing and shelter. They sang ...