Thursday, January 17, 2008

Celebrar Y Español El Idioma

Hola! amigos -- The title of this post is "Celebrate the Spanish Language." We are very excited to announce that we are having Spanish lessons once a week in Room 104. One of our classroom parents has volunteered to come in and teach Spanish to our Kindergarten students. Today was the first lesson. Students were shown a map all of the countries that speak Spanish in the world. Then the children were asked (in Spanish), "What is your name?" Next, the children enjoyed learning the words for red, green, yellow, orange, pink, black, white, purple and gray. Ms. Ana brought in a CD with a Spanish/English color word song on it and taught it to the class. After introducing the color words, students who were wearing the various color clothes, were invited to the front of the room to hold that color word card. The students repeated the color in Spanish and English for each word a few times. Then Ms. Ana read a big book in Spanish and the children followed along noticing the pictures as she was reading.

Kindergarten is a wonderful time to introduce children to other languages and cultures. We are very fortunate to have parents from China, Vietnam, Turkey, Mexico, and Costa Rica represented in our classroom. In February, these parents are planning a week-long celebration sharing the culture, crafts, and foods of their respective countries with the class, including Chinese New Year festivities!! But for now... adiós camaradas.

1 comment:

dayle timmons said...

How cool is that! Spanish classes!

Kindergarten Pow Wow 2019

Our tribe this year was the Inuit. Our students learned about the Inuit culture which included their food, housing and shelter. They sang ...