It is amazing to see the transformation in children even after one day in school. They went directly to their cubbies to drop off their lunches and backpacks and then to their seats. Each child was given a dotted sheet with his/her name on it for practice. When finished, they were encouraged to "read" a book in the book bin placed at each table.
Our focus today was determining what our "class promise" should be. We read books on friendship, following rules, and having respect for one another. Then we asked, "What do you think are some good ideas to help the class run smoothly?" We had responses such as being nice to each other, not to hit or be mean, listen to the teacher and waiting your turn. These wonderful responses were turned into 1) being a first-time listener; 2) being kind to others; 3) being ready to learn: and 4) having self-control (which was a direct student response). We all agreed that these were great rules to abide by. Then each child was invited to draw his/her face and it was attached to the newly created "Class Promise". We will recite this promise every morning to help us remember to be good school citizens.

Thank you so much for this wonderful blog!!
You are a blessing!
Susan F.
This class is very "Promise"-ing. I love how the learning is already happening. Besides the rituals and routines, instruction is also on its way. Sofi sang me the Aunt Annie "A" song- adorable!
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